
SUADEX Culture

Since our founding, SUADEX has connected deeply with light-duty workers, under-standing their unique challenges and providing footwear that enhances their workand daily lives. Inspired by their dedication, our brand name stands as a commitmentto supporting their needs and aspirations.


S-Seeing, Understanding, Supporting

At SUADEX, we are commited to crafting work shoes specifically designed for lightweight workers.From loggers and carpenters to manufacturing experts, repair technicians, and HVAC installers.these professionals rely on precision, resilience, and safety in their daily tasks. We understand thatevery precise cut, careful assembly, or intricate repair requires shoes that are more than just pro-tective-they must provide enduring comfort and support throughout the day.


U - Umbrella of Protection

Committed to enhancing safety and comfort through innovation.A maintenance supervisor faced an emergency repair and had to navigate a debris-strewn area.SUADEX safety shoes didn't just protect his feet-they gave him calm confidence.He shared a story.during an urgent repair, he had to quickly cross a debris-filled area, yet he safely reached the pointof failure without hesitation. SUADEX safety shoes not only protected his feet but also gave him asense of calm and confidence in his work.Every pair of SUADEX shoes embodies our commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Aswe lead in the light-duty work shoe market, we remain dedicated to excellence, embracing innova-
tion to serve our customers better.


A- Always Innovating

Committed to enhancing safety and comfort through innovation.A maintenance supervisor faced an emergency repair and had to navigate a debris-strewn area.SUADEX safety shoes didn't just protect his feet-they gave him calm confidence.He shared a story.during an urgent repair, he had to quickly cross a debris-filled area, yet he safely reached the pointof failure without hesitation. SUADEX safety shoes not only protected his feet but also gave him asense of calm and confidence in his work.Every pair of SUADEX shoes embodies our commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Aswe lead in the light-duty work shoe market, we remain dedicated to excellence, embracing innova-
tion to serve our customers better.


D - Double the Safety

More than protection-SUADEX provides double safety and support.An HVAC technician, facing multiple surgeries and health challenges, relies on SUADEX shoes tosupport him through long days."These shoes ease the strain on my back and ankles, giving meconfidence and stability for any environment," he shared.SUADEX is more than a shield; it's a partner that respects your resilience, providing double protec-tion for every unique need.


E- Everlasting Support

From the moment you choose SUADEX, we stand with you.A painter working on a high-rise shared his story. "One time, a tool fell toward me, but SUADEXprotected my foot completely. That moment strengthened my trust in SUADEX."Each pair of SUADEX shoes is crafted with care, ensuring a bond of trust and protection that walksbeside you every day.


X- Embracing Infinite Possibilities

The future holds endless possibilities, and SUADEX will walk alongside you, embracing every chal-lenge.At SUADEX, each step reflects innovation, courage, and dreams. We are not just creating shoes;we're weaving wings for dreamers to soar, providing the perfect balance of safety, comfort, and du-


Our vision is straightforward: to deliver outstanding protection for light-duty workers worldwideEvery pair of SUADEX shoes is rigorously crafted, meeting international safety standards and de-signed to withstand the demands of your work. Each shoe is built with a Kevlar puncture-resistantsole, offering a protective barrier that supports you confidently in any situation.One customer told us how SUADEX shoes saved him during an incident with a 2000-pound jackThanks to the steel toe and slip-resistant design, he walked away with only a minor abrasion. Thisexperience is a testament to the resilience and strength embedded in SUADEX footwear.

Behind this sense of security lies our countless refinements of 99 details. Every pair of SUADEXsteel-toe shoes strictly adheres to international safety standards, capable of withstanding impactsof up to 200 joules and equipped with a Kevlar puncture-resistant sole that withstands up to 1100Newtons of piercing force, building a strong defense for the feet of lightweight workers.Our commitment goes beyond safety, it's about making every stride easy and impactful. We are dedi-cated to safeguarding every worker, providing peace of mind to families, and confidence to compa-nies. Through ongoing innovation, we aim to offer even greater foot protection to light-duty workersworldwide.

  • Puncture-proof


    Withstand not less than 1100N

  • Puncture-proof


    Withstand not less than 1100N

  • Puncture-proof


    Withstand not less than 1100N